only twenty-four shopping days left till juneteenth!
i know i’ve done this for xmas, but don’t know if i did if for da’ teenth. in all honesty the main thing i want is to be driving the beamer by the time we all go back to work on tuesday; but in case there’s no pro bono mechanic that reads my site (i’d guess not) if you’re in the gifting mood (juneteenth is my birthday as well, for all you newbies) i figure i’d give you six ideas:
hustle up some dvds? – so, i kinda got addicted to this cool bbc show called “hustle”, which had several seasons but the one cable network that re-runs the shit here in the us apparently only got a handful of episodes so even though my dvr records one every blessed day it’s always one i’ve seen a hundred times – and i’m just SURE there are tons i haven’t seen, so if somebody wants to give me an excuse to cancel this recording they appear to be pretty cheap…
putting my best and brightest foot forward – no surprise there’s a shoe one, and while i normally rock nike or vans this is an acceptable alternative:

partially ’cause they’re cool, partially ’cause they’ll annoy shane…now that’s a win/win!
the bail out – for the relatively unimaginative there’s always iTunes gift cards…i still have a sizable list on an old phone of songs i want i need to cash out in the ol’ i-library. i hit 10,000 songs on my library last year…smaller than kramer’s opus, but more selectively picked. that was the goal number, so anything going forward is just gravy…
what’s the time? it’s time to get ill! or at least play the fucking song! – no surprise there’s a watch on here as well – but this is only KINDA a watch:

the common thread? all but the band and bezel are actually an ipod nano – downside? now i have no excuse NOT to do cardio if i wear this on a gym day!
maid to order? – seriously. i need this place cleaned. i can (in theory) keep up with it once it’s there, but i just never seem to have the time or energy…and lack of frequent company or the inspiration to have the bbq here makes for complete lack of motivation; anybody have any ideas? if you do hire one out, she doesn’t even have to be cute (or even a “she”) – just good at cleaning. only need the cleaning. the other reason most would request this will be covered in the “bonus” at the end of this, right after…
the one that fits everybody’s budget – do i honestly expect anybody to get me any of the above? no. i never expect gifts from anybody on any occasion – it’s just not something that’s in my dna anymore. but it was a fun list idea when i realized, “fuck me, i need a sixer!” and there we are. wanna give me a real gift? keep reading the site, make the occasional comment, and all but one of you is good. that one? well, that would be the seventh one to complete this “twenty-four / seven” bit…
dear ufc… – i just want CACA from you on my birthday. and by that i mean “Copious Amounts of Carnal Activity”, not the other thing. side note – once in your hometown (vegas for uninformed readers) i caught a cab ride from the mgm back to the rock and the cab driver, after finding out we’d been there to watch “ka” (a cirque de solei show) said, “i couldn’t watch a show named ‘ka’…in my country ‘ka’ means ‘SHIT!'”. how does the chamber of commerce not pay this guy to greet people at the airport?