the ufc made an astute observation the other day…
…i’ve still churned out a new header for this site, on average more than one a month, since i said i’d stop ’cause we’d hit the year mark of “a new one every month”. sue me, i get ideas and want to execute them. but i don’t want it to be “expected” ’cause you never know when a dry spell will hit, and in truth i had geared myself up to do a sixer this sunday since i had added six new ones since the last time i’d written about them.
then i got an idea – an astro(label)whore series!
i’d rip off the style or look of some famous names i liked and make ’em headers, which is how we got these six that’ll kick into the rotation as of sunday:

i split the sixer into three “eras” – two from brands i dug in high school (vans, swatch), two from college (stussy, air jordan) and two more current (ed hardy, affliction). it should be noted that i actually rocked the two college ones in high school as well, but more so in college, and at this point in my life all but “swatch” still find their way into my “rotation” (hell, as i’m writing this i’m wearing vans, stussy, and ed hardy). i wanted to do oakley but couldn’t come up with something i liked…so these will start on sunday (to coincide with the “header sixer”) and i think i’m also gonna retire (for now) the incredibly seasonal ones (xmas, new years, the great pumpkin) for a while.