been a while since i did this…
…and by “this”, i mean the two little bits on tuesday that aren’t worthy of being their own. i think i used to call this kind of thing a “tuesday twofer” but i could be wrong. either way, here we go:
symbols and numbers and shit
my front door is the old shop door. at the shop it had a plain glass window, but when i bought it off my boss he sold me a “star of texas” one with leaded glass in it as well. shane insisted (and i concurred) that the star needed to be upside down to symbolize our more sinister side, but the girl i was dating at the time had a bit of the religious to her and insisted i flip it upright. during wine-fueled Xmas mayhem i decided we needed a symbol to usher in the ufc era, so with an amazing wine buzz i did this on a “cold winter’s night”:
(no bullshit – it was in the 30’s when i did this!)
and then the next day on the way to the shop i filled up the tank and this was all my tank would hold:
note it ends with “.666” – coincidence? i think not! and no, i didn’t do this on purpose; it’s where the car cut it off!
and mere feet away, ultimate ridiculousness
i think it’s stupid we have to pay for air. there used to be one gas station here in lockhart where you could still get air for your car or other inflateables (keep in mind i live ten minutes from a river people like to tube) for free…but those days are long gone. first it was a quarter, but i swear in a short time it’s built to a dollar. i thought that was ridiculous – but this takes it a bit TOO damn far:
an air machine that takes fucking CREDIT CARDS?!? yeah, it’s still a dollar but this is fucking insane!
and doin’ it twice should produce wet pussy, so here’s your bonus:
good puppies!
on sunday night i let the pups out and in the dark copper went straight for the fence barking and snarling and i heard the noise of an animal scampering over the fence. budnik went for the fence a different direction and i saw a tree shaking. i don’t what animal copper scared off, but i turned on the back yard light and saw the cat that is FOREVER fucking with the dogs and getting on the top of my car. the one i’ve caught TWICE in JAB’s trap and seen around my garage countless times. i’ve lost track of how many times i’ve had to lint roller that little bastards fur off my car.
it was revenge time.
i left the pups out ’cause they kept the annoying little fucker treed. i got out the super soaker and proceeded to empty the tank out on the bastard. then go back inside, reload the tank, and repeat. twice. then came the garden hose. and this was all at 11:00 at night…when it was (according to my thermometer) barely touching forty degrees outside. so unlike my holiday, that night closed out with sopping wet COLD pussy. hope the little fucker gets kitty pneumonia and never comes back!