this bit isn’t about turkey day…
…or what you can do with the shrapnel there from.
no, it’s random thoughts i’ve had, that i jotted down to be bits, only for me to realize while it was a topic i wanted to bring up, it most certainly wasn’t enough to make it’s own bit…or so i thought. in the course of putting this together (which started three weeks before you’re reading it) i’ve decided certain things initially put on here WERE worthy of being their own bits, hence they became them and you’ve read some of the things that were on this list in the bits preceding it.
and here are the leftovers…
driving me crazy – all around the road construction in this area there are big light up signs that tell you what’s going on (lane closure, one lane road ahead, signal construction) followed by the phrase “expect delays”. yesterday i saw one that just simply said “expect delays” with no further explanation. so here’s my thought – why even say “expect delays”? it’s not like we knew when we left the house so we left early and allotted time – you JUST told us once we were already on the road…so why bother warning us?
mickey wars? – a lot of my friends freaked a couple weeks ago ’cause disney bought out lucasfilms, so the magic kingdom now owns the rebel alliance AND the evil empire. hell, it almost got it’s own bit – but the main thing i had to say was the avengers was seriouly kick ass and was made by disney AFTER stan lee sold them the marvel film franchise, so fret not – it’s just the masters (lee, lucas, et al) keeping their legacy going for future generations…trust me, it’ll be a good thing in the long run!
i don’t think choking out has an age restriction – i noticed recently that the trash bags we have at the shop have a warning i found odd – “warning – infants might suffocate if bag blocks the nose and mouth”. so, wait – me being in my forties means i can breathe through plastic now? i figured this would suffocate ANYBODY, not just infants?!?
not “driving me crazy”, but probably “crazy to drive!” – i’m a car guy, but my boss is a CAR guy! when i first started with atomic he had a viper, which begat a lindenhorfer corvette (google it), which begat a porsche 911 gt2, which (just in time for the formula one track to open in austin last weekend) begat this:

a street legal screamer of a formula one car. note the fenders (that move with the wheels in front), wing, and front spoiler which are all SOLID carbon fiber. loud as fuck riding that close to the blower and turbos, but DAMN does it scream down the road!
too fat to die?!? (the obligatory news post bit) – i’ve heard of too fat to do a lot of things…park in normal parking spaces (don’t get me started), work, sit in a plane seat, etc, etc. all of this is in the persons control (at least 98% of the time, i guess there is that rare two percent that does actually have a glandular problem) but when i saw the article about the obese death row inmate who felt he was too fat to die i had but one response running through my head: “wait for it”. so i did – the article came out back in september…and four days before this was written (november 14th) he got his stay of execution because he’s too fat for lethal injection. that’s fucked up. so now the ohio people get to foot the bill for this fat felonious fuck to keep feeding? fuck that – put a bullet in his brain and be done with it.
i guess we heard right! – when i was a kid i always heard “if it tastes bad it must be REALLY good for you”…and most vegetable’s flavor coupled with that nasty taste you get when you don’t swallow your vitamin or other meds quick enough and your tongue starts to melt it have proved this time and time again; but the other day i had to use hand sanitizer after handling budnik’s toy and before i started in on a breakfast taco, and i accidentally ingested some of the germ-x…YUCK! that shit must be INCREDIBLY good for you, ’cause the taste is just putrid!