i sometimes wonder about reincarnation…
…especially when it comes to my pets.
to some dude seems like lucky reincarnated. they’re both male brindle pitbulls. look at pics and you can TOTALLY see the difference. but dude IS named after him, as lucky’s name morphed into “lucky dude” at some point in his life, so when i got dude i originally named him “dude junior” or “dj” for short, which changed (on its own) to “lil’ dude” since he was so emaciated and small when i got him, but at his current fighting weight (used purely as an expression i’ll quickly add due to his breed’s rep) of seventy-five pounds the “lil'” had to be lost, hence just “dude” (or “budnik” depending on my mood).
and their physical similarities coupled with me getting dude only two weeks after lucky’s untimely demise stumped more than one person into thinking my dog had just shrunk. but he was six weeks old when i got him, meaning he and lucky shared the same planet for a month…but as i was his THIRD owner at six weeks (the people that birthed him, the person i got him from, than me) he was weened WAY too early and as a result has bonded to me as if i were his biological parent, which made me think he might be calum reincarnated as calum was the same age and the same situation when i got him. plus, dude went on a streak of walking in the house after playing in the yard with toys of calum’s that had been missing for YEARS in various states of decay. no other dog found them and unearthed them – but he did, as if he knew where they were.
still makes me wonder, that bit.
but then i wonder if he’s some prisoner come back, ’cause he recently turned this:

into this:

for all the world to me that looks like a fucking prison shank! at least i know who’ll have my back if shit breaks off up in here, huh?