by the time you’re reading this, i SHOULD have the “sean m” plates i talked about getting for the beamer…
…and since i had so much fun doing my last license plate sixer back when i ordered the damn things, i figured i’d do another to commemorate them finally coming in, plus i saw one the other day that surprised me as it was a custom BURGER RESTAURANT SPONSORED plate. no way i couldn’t fuck with that!
so here are six that you CAN get, believe it or not, with messages i threw in just for whore bit sake, of course…
the “not-so-blue” plate special
i don’t mean to talk out of turn here, but if you paid extra to have a custom plate done up with the logos of a burrito chain famous for five pound burritos, maybe you should have spent that money on beefier suspension, huh? and speaking of beefier…
came up with this one based on the fact they actually peanuts you throw the shells on the floor; get it? hell, at least this place will serve you a salad, unlike…
this one was the one i saw that started it all…a burger joint plate? fucking seriously? i mean, they DO make a mighty fine burger (for all curious this is the “burger leg” of the rudy’s bbq corporation) but to drop fifty bucks to have a plate on your car for ’em? if they don’t pay you, that ain’t right. just to show a couple that weren’t eateries…
i thought that was weird that we can get this – this flag is NOT a part of texas history. never flew over the capital. never flew over the alamo. but we can get a plate about it, which makes NO sense…but not as little sense as…
one thing i’ve learned in this day and age – we have a separation of church and state in this country…as long as the “church” being separated is jewish, hindu, mulsim, or one of those other non-christian sects. but christianity? that doesn’t count on the separation, ’cause that’s, you know, just the way the world is supposed to be i guess.
*coughs as he says “BULLSHIT!”*
just to end on a sweet note…
i figure this one is cool – after all, it IS the texas contribution to the soda world, and i’ll be cash georgia people can get coca-cola ones, so we might as well rep it…even if it is from wacko waco!
a side note – according to, the texas state government website where you order custom plates, “smel-it”, “nutsak”, and the “not tx” are all available. “2 swt” and “fatass” are already taken (the former didn’t surprise me, the latter kinda did) and the “separ8?”, while it makes a good point, is not available because it’s one too many characters AND the one too many is a “?” which isn’t available at all. that being said, “separ8”, as of this writing (noon on may 6th) was still up for grabs…