i just realized this is two semi-racist seeming bits in a row, which was WAY not intentional…
…but this one i just think is FUNNY!
infighting is a motherfucker, ain’t it? and sometimes, when we’re REALLY pissed we do things we wouldn’t normally do. take the case of a karolina klansman who got pissed off at his fellow racist brethren and happened to hold the deed to an old movie theater where they wanted to open a klan store (i never knew there was such a thing, but…) called “the redneck shop”.
can jeff foxworthy sue them for ill representation of the word “redneck”? just checking…
so anywho – this guy got all pissed at his fellow klansmen and so he did the ultimate “fuck you” he could do to them – he signed the deed for the old movie theater they had their klan-mart in to a local baptist minister…
…a local BLACK baptist minister.
now, perhaps in a bit of leftover klanacy (i’m having too much fun with this, aren’t i?) they put a special clause in the deed that the former grand dragon who ran said store kept the rights to run his business until the day he dies. literally. so the church HAS to let racist crap get sold on their land, but eventually the shop with burnin’ crosses and klan robes will have just crosses and choir robes as the pastor plans on moving his church out of it’s current double-wide trailer and into the old theater (which was segregated, it should be noted) once the old bigot dies off.
ain’t recycling cool?