this isn’t bits about di de las muertos…
…which is technically both today AND tomorrow, or only one of the two, depending on who you ask or where you read your info. no, today is about the dead bits that SHOULD have gone up while i was in NOLA, but had no idea that bret & leo’s house, as fabulous as it is, would have internet crappier than my place…and next to NO sprint signal, either broadband OR phone.
so, this is technically the first bit that’s gone up since october 26th – but the 28th one is 90% written, and the 30th one is pretty much done in note form, save for some polish – so i’ll put ’em up backdated as i get ’em going, so depending on when you hit the site this will either be the first, second, or third new bit you read.
let the games begin…