almost tape delayed, save for tequila

the last few days have been “unplugged” casa de whore…


’cause apparently $19.99 buys you shitty service from sprint mobile broadband.

okay, not really. but for the last week, if you’ve noticed that the sunday entry actually appears on monday…or the tuesday on wednesday, or whatever, it’s ’cause in order to get internet at the house i have to go to one particular corner of the house, wait for the wind to blow the right way, and hit my neighbor’s router, and then i can post…maybe.

(quick side note – a man named “archie” who looks dramatically like morgan freeman just bought my first round…today’s looking up!)

so, as i was leaving our p-ville shop, i realized i needed to do a bit for today, and i know i had a topic in mind previously, but can’t remember it now…what i COULD remember was that i had no internet at the house, that i could probably get good sprint reception in round rock, and that antonio’s was RIGHT there.

(what i DID forget was that it was after seven, and so happy hour was over, but morgan freeman’s twin took care of that so all is well…i get two for the price of one AND they’re double sized!)

now i’m on number two…and things are getting black and swirly…

(…isn’t it amazing how shit from our adolescents stays with us? i used to read star hits magazine and they talked about everything “going all black and swirly” which as a teenager who didn’t start drinking till the age of twenty-eight made NO sense…now? it makes TOTAL sense)

i think it’s time to order the “el jefe” to sop up the tequila with full plans of having hot latina sex in the am to offset the calories…but perhaps i’m sharing too much.

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