every now and again this page is entertaining for the reader…
…and every now and again it’s my own personal post-it pad.
this would be the latter.
while i did a bit recently about how i didn’t want “to do” lists on my day off (’cause they’re typically “honey do” lists and as there’s no “honey” at home i see no point in having them) i do still think goals are important, and this will afford me a free bit later – ’cause if i do a bit on goals with a deadline i need to do a follow-up bit on how i did, right? it’s like a twofer!
six projects i’d like to see finished around my house by MMXII
get naked and wet – and, of course, by that i mean fix the shower in my bedroom…but also the tile repair that’s needed in the guest bathroom as well. it will be nice to use all the functions of my bathroom again – without flooding the other one! and to think, previous attempts at this ’caused…
fill my holes – there are two sheet rock holes in the hall that need to be repaired. both done intentionally, both by the same plumber, both for not ’cause all it proved was that the floor of said shower was the problem, not some pipe leak…yea for the pipes, not so much for the walls. this is partially why i never painted the hallway properly, ’cause i knew eventually this would all need to be done and than nothing would match. see – some method to my madness AND laziness here…
kiss my wood good-bye – my den feels like a 1970’s basement thanks to the paneling…i’m looking to change that. first i need to choose a color, than the fun can begin, and it’ll happen before…
cancer free – finally! – not me, unless something’s going on i’m not aware of (which with my aversion to modern medicine save for the pharmaceuticals is very possible)…no, i’m talking about a lot of the floor in my house being black with tile adhesive that apparently contains asbestos; isn’t that wonderful? wanna seal it all with garage paint, than eventually do wood or bamboo in the den and possibly kitchen, than on to the office and master bedroom, which are lower priorities due to the fact it’s just straight concrete there anyway, not anything harmful.
if you can’t take the heat…fuck it, i can! i haven’t had a real stove or oven in over a decade. looking to fix that asap. also want that vent hood microwave, but as the normal one works just dandy that might get pushed a bit for budget reasons.
sleep over in style – i should have mentioned these are in no particular order, which is why they’re not numbered – but i WOULD like to get the guest room (and all the rooms, for that matter) back to where they’re fully useable. my house, like my mind, is never used to it’s fullest capacity – i think i’m long overdue for getting back to utilizing more of both…
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having your brain fully functional is just plain scary.
i’m just saying….