well, i fucked up…
…in a conversation with a friend yesterday i mentioned that ever since the great archive debacle a few years ago i had, without fail, always put a bit up every forty-eight hours…and in the hecticness of the day, i forgot to put a bit up.
which is a shame, ’cause i had a good one going.
that one will now be up tomorrow – and this one goes up today. while i COULD have just used the software this is written on to type the bit up, time stamp it for yesterday, and move on with my “perfect record” that would be bullshit and, to a degree, editing myself. not in content, per se, but in context. or continuity. or chronology. or some other “c word” that’s not THE “c word” (“cunt” being that word, of course)
so, in contrast to my norm of childhood, i will own up to fucking up and just say, yeah…this kind of shit happens. new bit tomorrow, and it’ll be funny and strange. today? this bullshit, with me owning up to fucking up…and now i’m gonna go GET fucked up, and maybe even fucked, to keep the theme going. i am ALL about the theme, ya know…