bloody pussy on the horizon

it’s time for another reader’s poll…

…where my hosting company stats SAY i get almost 100 hits a day, but maybe ONE person responds each time i put a poll up. these things happen.

here’s the deal…

…i just went out to my car and found the most awful, runny, animal turd on the cloth top, kinda running down the side. ALMOST took a pic to put up here, but for decorum reasons (who knew this site had such a thing?) i’m glad i didn’t. anywho, this follows always finding fur on it (the cloth top) and adds insult to injury (the “injury” being the top is stretched out and leaking due to cat weight / claws on it.

so here’s my plan…

…the last time i went quite a while without a cat coming by was because i set out a rat (read: MUCH larger than a mouse one) spring trap that, i’m pretty sure, hobbled the last cat (at least sent it to the vet). after the mess i walked out to so i could start my day, i think the time has come for the same thing…hopefully with the same loud, crippling results.


’cause from where i’m standing if you have pets, you should take care of them – and taking care of them is NOT letting the free roam (and fuck up and shit all over) your neighbor’s stuff. when my dogs get loose i’m sure they cause a little havoc…but that’s when they “GET” loose, as in get out against MY will. i don’t just let them roam…cat owners seem to think that’s okay to do with these furry little shitbags…

…time to learn ’em different.