a new word has come into my lexicon…
…and i think i created it.
now, in the past some people thought i had made up the word “computard” – but i know i heard that somewhere, used of course for the technologically impaired. then i thought i HAD come up with the word “fuck’tard”, a contraction for “fucking retard”, and while shane laid claim to that one i found it enough other places to doubt his influence was that vast…
(that noise you hear right now is shane scrolling down to the comments section without reading the rest of the bit before throwing his two cents in)
…no, this time the word of the day (that i used WAY to often) is “budnick”. or “budnic”. or, i guess the euro-trash version would be “budniq”. it’s pronounced like the first one is spelled, and i have NO idea where it came from (“dudenick” has also been used a lot as of late but not nearly as often as “budnick”).
the word has been used primarily to address/confuse the lil’ dude (the latter just being an unfortunate result, not the intent) – as in “c’mon, budnick, let’s run outside in the cold real quick”. i’ve also used it to address my car, and various people in the service industry (“c’mon, budnick, let’s go home…” (car) or “hey, budnick, one more and the tab” (bartender)). when i google it it comes up as the name of some companies, and an actor with a bad mullet, and that’s about it. so think i actually did it with this one…and it wasn’t even intentional!