hey, at least the title KINDA warns you…
…although this bit was surprise – and is brought to you by the lil’ dude, who noticed this as i walked him around the block ’cause he has all this extra energy due to him NOT being able to run around and play with copper due to her somehow injuring one of her paws. so, i guess, in a way it’s brought to you by copper AND lil’ dude, even though he’s the one that found this:
doesn’t he look peaceful?
it took me a second to realize what it was…but then it hit me, and kinda grossed me out a little. i can only imagine this lil’ fucker tunneled in and headed for the light, ’cause this was on the underside:
and like a slimy version of winnie the pooh, he got stuck. the reason i have my tunnel theory is ’cause when you look at my through-and-through picture, look at what the arrow’s pointing at:
that’s my crowbar. that’s how IN the ground this thing is. yeah, there’s a finger hole to pull it out, but that’s what he was wedged in – and he didn’t come out easily. i’ll spare you the details on that. so, there ya go – a little macabre grossness to round out halloween weekend!