you know what’s more fucked up than drinking plans gone awry?
drinking plans gone awry when you’re the only person involved!
seriously…that’s just fucked up.
it was screwed from jump street – waiting on a paypal refund to help fund it and it never hit. or, at least, not as of this writing (which is almost seven days since said refund showed as “pending”, and more than forty-eight hours since it showed as “completed” but “transferred to credit card”). so, i went to finance this by cashing in change – which ALMOST worked, if there hadn’t been a fuck up AND a tip involved…
…allow me to explain:
i went to sean patrick’s for pint night. why? ’cause i’m on their facebook, and i’d gotten the notice more than once that thursday was “pint night”, where you drop five bucks for a SP’s pint glass and get cheap smithwick’s going forward on thursday’s. that’s just cool. here were the two inherent errors in my plan that i didn’t know were inherent errors:
1. “pint night” officially kicks off at 7pm, AFTER happy hour – i figured it was a happy hour special so i showed up at five. oops.
2. they were actually OUT of SP’s pint glasses – but assure me they’ll get that fixed by next week.
so, i was there, the special wasn’t, and i was NOT in the mood to wait two hours for beer number one just to save a dollar per round…so, i had round number one, than two, then ordered wings (which are only a quarter per wing, but somehow my order of “ten – half guinness bbq and half garlic parmesan” got interpreted (and charged) as ten of EACH flavor), and then there was a round (which for me is a pint of smithwick’s and an irish car bomb) for dessert.
the downside? they charged and fed me twice as much chicken as i wanted.
the upside? i was only charged for two of the three rounds. so it all balances out nicely.
but still burst my budget a bit. no biggie – as long as they have the pint glasses properly next thursday i’ll roll down later in the evening and we should be all good…plus, i get barware!