so, as the rain pounds down outside, i DID actually leave the house for one of two planned trips to san marcos…
…this one was for lowes & lunch – and i was so hungry for lunch i only remembered part of what i went to lowes for (although the bulk of it was just getting pricing, so that was no big deal…the one sub-five dollar purchase happened). than i came home, the rain continued to pound, and i decided that unless i am just STARVING later there’s no way in hell i’m going back out in this shit…at least not any further than i have to on foot to take the lil’ dude out (who is having a hard time grasping that “we don’t pee in the house unless we’re paying for it” concept, but HAS shot up in weight from 7.2 to 11 pounds in just a week!).
so today is all about purging out the DVR and dorking around online – the latter of which brings us today’s question…
how the HELL do i get rid of my yahoo friends?
not all of them – some of you are cool with me. but about a year ago yahoo started side-barring the IM thang and while it seems to do pretty much everything to message people the older stand-alone app seems to do, the one thing i can’t for the life of me figure out is how to delete contacts. i have thirty yahoo contacts, and i could probably put a name or face (and sometimes even BOTH) with FIVE of them…maybe six. but no more than that – and i want to just cut it down to the people i actually WANT to talk to…or at least, MAY want to talk to…eventually.
but EIGHTY percent of the list? i don’t know who the fuck these people are – and i tend to remember (sadly or not, depending on your perspective) pretty much everything. “my blessing AND my curse”, i call it. so, am i gonna have to install the actual app (is it even still around?) just to delete people and then uninstall it? seems like a pain in the ass just to get rid of some unwanted clutter folk…