i hate when i plan to get back to something and i don’t…
…but for those who know me in person, you digressions are pretty normal when it comes to dealing with me.
moving on…
…i did an entry a couple sundays ago complaining about how i had no motivation or energy to do shit. several projects around my house – including just general cleaning – were going undone. same with my yard. and my grandmother’s old place. well, i’ve gone two for three over the last couple of weeks, making pretty big headway, with the exception of that last one.
but i think that’s just demotivation – and not in the normal sense of the word:
no, this is purely for financial reasons. when we first found out my uncle arturo was gonna sign over grandma’s old place lock, stock, and two smoking barrels to us we had dollar signs in our eyes. real estate in that neighborhood was going for around $80K minimum, and so we figured $35K a piece after closing wasn’t too damn bad for a week’s work…
…then we found out it would be several months work. then i found out i would be the one doing the bulk of it. and to top it off between my uncle allowing the property to rot (literally), him sitting on it until the real estate market was the worst it had been since the great depression, and the fact he now decided amongst himself (this WILL be negotiated) to honor my grandmother’s original will where by HE get’s 50% and teri and i each only get 25%, my motivation to dedicate time to this project went out the window as my take was now 1/4th what i thought it was gonna be…
…but ya know, $10K is still $10K, right?
so that’ll be something to start tapping away at next week. for now i have the yard looking nice, the cleaning under control (as with the laundry), and my house is slowly starting to look less lived in (meant in the best sense of the phrase) – all while my diet is SO not working (i think i may just be stuck of 225 for a good long time, unfortunately) and i have somewhat kicked caffeine (although the store down the road from me has a new rockstar flavor i think i might try on the way to the gym in a sec) so let’s see where things go from here.
overall, life ain’t bad…and i haven’t been able to say that for quite a while.
now i just gotta come up with a sixer topic for sunday…