2kX – the year of the funk?

the chinese say this is “the year of the tiger”…

…if it is, it’s a funky tiger. and i don’t mean this kind:

although that ones certainly getting his share of the attention. no, i mean me (let’s face it…this site IS all about me). i have been in the worst funk this year. ever since day one – literally. i wonder if the corks fortold it – when you pop a champagne cork it’s supposed to mushroom out after it’s been popped out of the bottle. usually takes a few hours to fully expand. look at this years cork (left) next to last year’s cork (right):

all the previous years have looked like the one on the right (and haven’t been that great, now that i think about it…) so maybe small cork = big year? here’s to hoping, ’cause i have LITTLE projects that remain undone. i go to start them and all motivation goes away. is it the chronic joblessness? the grey, cold weather? an unfortunate combo of both? i’m thinking the latter. anybody else going through this?