we all know today is a holiday…
…hell, it’s more known by the date (fourth of july) then the name (independence day) where we all celebrate our country’s independence by blowing up a small part of it.
but lest we forget another holiday coming up two weeks from yesterday on the 17th…

yes, for all of you poor suckers who THINK you can drink like me and shane one day of the year, a local bar where we sometimes watch ufc (and where i sometimes ruin workouts since it’s right across the street) has decided to keep you “in shape” throughout the year by throwing a “st. practice” day every month.
we already missed the one in june (since i didn’t tell y’all as i was prepping for the new orleans trip that didn’t happen i won’t blame you) but let’s not let that happen again…see y’all on the 17th! (if you’re local, that is…)