where b the q?

i just realized we should all be hanging out at my house in a few weeks…

…but only shane will be here. and i don’t mean just me AND shane, i mean just shane.

due to economic reasons the annual juneteenth bar-b-que will probably not happen this year, and if it DOES in fact happen, it won’t be until the weekend after juneteenth weekend and before july 4th weekend, so possibly on june 27th.

why the hell for?

two reasons come to mind – first off, as of when this is being written (which was the last weekend in may to ruin some of the magic here) i’m still not working and without any solid job prospects. while time will tell on the SAPD thing (very doubtful), i know that won’t kick in before juneteenth, so i had a decision to make – sink some cash into the que or into a trip for me to get the hell out of dodge and decompress…and lest any of you ask “decompress from what?” since i’m not working, the financial stress due to that has me seriously needing some time off from my time off – and with bret & leo relocating to a ginormous house on the lake in new orleans, off i go for a weekend.

plus, i haven’t spent my b-day with bret since the first or second juneteenth que, so it’s long overdue.

so, keep your eyes here to see if we still do a june 27th que, a belated juneteenth thing, if the money is there from my pocket or possibly someone elses; a vegetarian friend offered to bankroll it this year, and the double irony of a white boy doing a juneteenth bar-b-que NAD having it paid for by a vegetarian might be TOO fucking rich to pass up…

UPDATE – took thirteen hours and several rounds of booze but we (harold, dawn, sophie, shane, d, and me) moved harold, dawn, and sophie to north austin yesterday, and he’s still down to fund the que, but feels he should be able to attend (and have vegetarian options) as a result. i concur – new date and till will be my place, on SUNDAY, JUNE 28th, at around 3:00pm…hit my mobile and let me know if i should expect you!

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  • Shane Jun 6, 2009 @ 9:42

    I’m thinking we should do the que at Harold’s new place. I know gas grills are not the favored method of cooking out, but the nice pool, the two grills with freakin mini-fridges, the club house and all that…the only draw back would be trying to stagger up all THREE flights of stairs to his apartment.

  • sean Jun 6, 2009 @ 12:11

    that might be an idea…means i gotta stay more sober, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. i’ll think on it…

  • sean Jun 6, 2009 @ 13:32

    spoke to harold – that is now the plan if we can get it all worked out. keep your eyes here for the be-lated juneteenth que possible tour…

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