does anybody have that “inspirational” friend?
we all have ’em. if you’re smart, they’re blocked off your email (shit, my own sister was for a while for just this reason). i don’t mean a friend that ACTUALLY inspires you. if you have that, bad ass. no, i mean that friend, that every day or two, sends you one of “THOSE” emails. i won’t go into detail, ’cause i think we may revisit this on the sunday sixer this week (i was dying for a topic and it just hit me while i was writing this) but suffice to say i almost deleted the mail (and blocked la tina) when i read this…
This put a lump in my throat…
I seldom pass along inspirational stuff, but this one got to me.
I do believe, that in these difficult and mean-spirited times in
which we live, there needs to be a message of hope. We can
all use a single image that speaks to us of love, harmony.
peace, and joy. An image that suggests the universality of us
all. I have been sent that image, and I want to share it with
You. All I ask is that you take a moment to reflect upon it…
but then i saw the pic that went with it…
now that’s what i’m talking about! could only be better if it was a LIQUOR store. fuck all the myths, this is really what’s at the end of an irishmen’s rainbow (along with strippers and various smokeables and a shit ton of cash)
but, i digress…
had a lovely start to my memorial day weekend down in houston eating my weight in meat at (checks matchbook for spelling) foco de chau. good eats at a brazilian steakhouse and a great night with my girl erin who i hadn’t seen in a decade at least…so it was partially disturbing when i got an email late memorial day night with the topic “just when you think you were having a really good day…” until i saw the pic that went with:
(what’s worse is in the email both the “girl”‘s head AND mirror reflection are bobbing /swinging rhythmically)
yeah, that would NOT be a way to end a weekend – here’s to hoping this one is better for ya!