thursday thoroughfare bit

first off, i planned on calling this the “friday fill up bit”…

…which made a shitload more sense, until i realized it would post on thursday.


so,the other day, after spending cinco de mayo with my favorite MExican (who didn’t realize it was cinco de mayo until i mentioned it to her) i went to get gas and was surprised to find it was up at two bucks a gallon again.

(okay, $1.99 9/10 – but that’s two bucks, damn it!)

what was funny was as we sat on the starbuck’s patio drinking coffee and smoking acid cigars i noticed that gas was two bucks and some change, but i knew that it was always cheaper in town rather than by the outlet mall, so when she headed off to SA, i headed into san marcos and got my gas for two bucks rather than two o’ six.

and we all do it.

i went all the way through town, waited through several lights AND a long fucking train (it’s a san marcos thing) and basically added an extra half hour to my san marcos trip rather than filling up at the valero right across from starbuck’s…all to (i didn’t know it at the time) save only six cents a gallon. i have a fourteen gallon tank, and while it was dry when i filled it that’s still only saving (does math in head) eighty-four cents.

if you asked me to spend a half hour of my life waiting for trains and lights and you’d pay me a buck, i’d tell you to fuck yourself…and i’m unemployed!

but we all do it. when i worked a good bit north of austin, i knew people that would go into austin, into the hood, and basically kill over an hour in stop-and-go traffic so they could get their gas for $3.99 or whatever rather than the $4.12 i think it peaked at around those parts. i spoke to JAB today, ’cause he drives a big fuck all GMC truck for work. it holds thirty-two gallons. most of my coworkers that would drag their white asses into the hood drove similar vehicles.

and if i told JAB to wait around in austin traffic for over an hour after work and i’d pay him four bucks for his trouble, he’d tell me to go fuck myself.

but these fuckos i worked with would do it – once or twice a week. what the fuck?

the same stations that are hovering around two bucks now were barely over a buck less than a year ago – so we’ve doubled in less than a year. while we don’t see it as a big deal, since it plummeted from four to almost one in VERY little time, you never know if we’ll double again and be at four by next memorial day. stranger things have happened – a buddy of mine says gas is going up ’cause the economy is turning around soon…so i guess i should be working in NO time, right?

but NONE of us should be paying four or five bucks a gallon for gas – fuck all that. and we sure as fuck don’t need to go “hunting” for a half hour so save a dollar. your time is worth money, folks…