not bad…
…and maybe a self-fulfilling prophecy?
the “claddagh” ring is an irish traditional ring symbolizing love and friendship and the unity of the two into a perfect marriage. “in love and friendship let us reign”, i believe the expression goes. but most of them are a bit small and girly, even though i always wanted one just a bit more…well…clunky. i’m a bigger guy – small jewelry doesn’t look right on me.
enter the vegas trip a couple years back where i ended up with my wrench ring, which was how i discovered the silver stuff made by king baby. i liked it. a LOT. and they made their version of the claddagh, but it was four bills. i always figured i’d get it eventually as a wedding ring – ’cause there’s four ways to wear one; crown down on the left hand means married, up means engaged…crown down on the right hand means taken (just not engaged or married) and up means single.
at this stage of my life i think i’ll permanently be in “phase four”, but time will tell.
got one off eBay for myself back at xmas, but had one slight problem – i was doing ebay on my phone, and as a result thought i got a size 9 (which would have been pinky ring size, or damn near – figured i’d just get it sized up) but instead ended up with a size 7 (on a phone screen web browser these two are WAY close). too small for any digit i’ve got, so it just sat in a bag – but last week a new size 11 (my actual ring size on my right hand is a bit larger right now, but i AM dieting) and i scored it for, all in, $145 – and sold the seven to a good friend who paypaled me $150, which after they took their little fee (WTF?) was around the $145 mark, so i broke even.
the $1.14 in the subject was the actual difference; factor in the shipping i paid to send it up to dallas and it ran me closer to ten bucks – still not too shabby.
so i got my celtic bling on, and made sure it will (in short time) ride on the right hand where it belongs for us terminally single folk. all for under $10. who says you can’t get your dreams going even when you’re unemployed?

(the new bling)