if you’re like me it’s ninety-six hours to xmas and you have done zero decorating nor shopping…
…and if you’re not like me then screw you for making me look bad!
for all in need of a tree idea, and prone to gaming (’cause i can’t picture any other niche that would drink this much mountain dew) here’s an idea sent to me. after you’ve consumed a shitload of dew (and lovingly saved all the cans) get a power drill, so wire coat hangers, and a two inch diameter six foot chunk of pvc, along with a tree stand of course, so we can start to do this…
which we accomplish by hooking the cans with the hangers, and drilling into the pipe to hook the other end…
and if you measured right it should start to look like this as you layer it up…
and when you reach the top just top ‘er with a two liter…
…and then of course, lite ‘er up!
now try and control your dew-fueled twitching and enjoy the pretty lights everybody else can see, too!