sue me, i was week minded

i make my share of typos on this page…

…but the title on this one wasn’t one of ’em.

i remember having iTUnes on my iMac. it had no internet connection so i had no idea the software could detect band, song, and album info – i typed it all in by hand, and did eight gigs worth. got a bit of a giddy thrill when the library first crossed from being measured in “hours” to being measured in “days”…

…flash forward to sunday, december 14th of this year
(2k8 for all seeing this via the archives)

i’ve been battling allergies or whatever for the better part of the last week. did brief errands on saturday, went out with JAB and his crew for his wife’s b-day, and did a brunch thing today. other than that i’ve been in bed or on the couch – resting, snorting nasal spray, and soothing my throat with cold, hard, booze…

…sue me, it helps it feel better. or perhaps just makes me not care that it hurts.

so all the cleaning, laundry, and holiday prep plans were ditched so i could heal and shit. but the two plans i knew i still COULD do were write on here (not very taxing) and keep piling stuff into my iTunes when yesterday i saw something too fucking cool – i was at “6.7 days” on my list. i got all excited – “holy shit! will it soon read it in WEEKS now?!?!?”

found out about a half hour ago…um, no. “7 days”. bummer. i was already bragging i had my shit measuring in days, thought i had a whole new geek music boasting level with a WEEK and some change, and even though you and i both know seven days is in fact on week, it’s just not the same. just what i needed…yet another holiday disappointment.

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  • Kramer Dec 16, 2008 @ 8:30

    43 Days.

    Email me.

  • the redhead Dec 17, 2008 @ 1:42

    You are a bigger geek than ME!