house arrest?

all i wanted was a stinking breakfast taco…

…and i was denied.

i can’t really bitch – life’s been pretty good lately, and last saturday (not this most recent one, but the one before) was almost a crown jewel day, as it were. got internet at the house back (i.e. bought another used laptop – already up to four days worth of iTunes on it and it’s been less than a week!) and got cable back. or direct tv, to be more precise.

why not cable?

two reasons – all monetary. first off, direct tv is cheaper (although that first bill this week was a bit of a shocker)…and while it supposedly sucks balls in wind and rain, it was hella windy the other night when i was at antonio’s, and they have direct tv, and all looked well. my girl la tina has it and seems to love it (the non-girlfriend even used her as a “reference” and now they both get a discount for the next several months).

secondly, i owe time warner a shitload of money. now, more than half of it is equipment. truth be told, i have no reason to have held onto it as long as i have – but i did. but about six bills of it is legit oweage. see, that was the ONE bill alex paid when she lived here ’cause she insisted we have roadrunner. i could give two shits about roadrunner. if there’s one thing i’ve learned through my notebook excursions it’s that i’m not the most demanding sumbitch when it comes to home computer service. let me do iTunes, eBay, and the whore and i’m pretty good. okay, maybe try to get some tail as well, but never mind that now. but when she moved out, the bill was just forwarded her way, and of course she never paid it ’cause she didn’t live her any more. mean while, it was a bill i was used to NOT paying, so it just went unpaid for around three months or so, in addition to the two months back due that was around when she moved out in the first place…so i owed them around $750. that taint happening.

but i’ve taken this way off path, here. who’s shocked? anywho, my direct tv appointment was saturday between 8am and noon. i hate that four hour window shit. i guess it’s not as bad as the eight hour one that, say, the gas company makes you do…but it just feels like house arrest to me. from this time to that time you can’t leave your house – you must be there in case the service gods throw us in your direction…and in the event they do, and you’re NOT there, you have to re-schedule your appointment for another day weeks away and subject yourself to a second sentence of house arrest…or do without cable, hot water, or whatever they’re dangling over your head to make you make the appointment in the first place. actually, in a way it’s worse than house arrest – you didn’t get the fun of whatever crime would have gotten you house arrest, PLUS you’re paying them for it, no less.

sucks to be a homeowner sometimes.

so, all i wanted was a breakfast taco, my “slot” was 8am to noon, and it was 9:15. i call the direct tv folk and was told he should be there “any second” because i was appointment number two and the first was just a box upgrade. turns out this was true, but because he lived fifty miles from me (yet only two blocks from my office) and he only had three appointments (but i WAS number two) he started his day at 10am in our neck of the woods…so I found this out when he arrived around 11:00 or so…

…after he did his first appointment AND got himself breakfast. last name “hole”, first name “ass”.

i proceeded to help out ’cause i wasn’t cool leaving the fucker in my house alone and i was hella hungry. i pulled cable. i set up boxes. i shoved access cards in boxes and batteries in remotes. i even let him borrow my drill to do the outer wall when his battery died…had him out in under an hour – but by then it was lunch time, so i went for bar-b-que instead of a taco.

anybody else have a house arrest lately? shane, put your hand down…your kind doesn’t count for this one…

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