i don’t have kids…
…and probably never will. shane, start saving your cash to pay off the bet now.
but i know that if i DID have kids, i would object to this:
it’s a book that’s told completely in text message form (and speak) between two tenth grade girls (which i think is an amazingly cool idea and i’m kinda pissed i didn’t come up with it) and apparently can get a little graphic when it comes to sexual references. parents near my office are up in arms over this because it’s carried in the school library and actually was even a top recomendation on school library websites and forums.
folks, here’s the deal…
trying to censor school books is not a new fight. you’re not planting a flag. it’s gone on for years. it used to be fiction that made references to gays was banned or references to blacks if they were made out to be equals to whites. of course, it also used to be taboo for a woman to wear pants instead of a dress or skirt.
you have to let shit go some time, okay?
let’s say, for shits and giggles, parents win the battle and have complete and total control over the books carried in the school library. congrats. you won. then they walk by borders on the way home from school and there it is – and you can’t hide it there. or they get home and you’re not there and they hop online or watch tv and there it is again…
…sex, drugs, rock n’ roll. all the evils of the world.
so you freak out and send them to boarding school – now they never come home, never walk by the modern monopoly board that springs up on every free parcel of land near a neighborhood these days (target, home depot, ross, marshall’s, petco, best buy, border’s, applebee’s, chili’s, etc, etc) and you’ve won – when they’re in the library saint whoever academy they are 100% sexual reference free – and then they walk out into the halls and guess what their classmates are talking about…
(or if it’s a religous school they have some alone time with a priest…but never mind that now)
so the only true solution for you forward-thinking fucktards is clear – home schooling. no social interaction outside the family unit. THAT will solve the problem…at least that one. when they’re forty, still living at home, and polishing their rifle every night while reciting the lord’s prayer to themselves in front of a poster of britney spears, then you might be looking at a whole new set of issues. but hell, at least you kept the bad little books out of their hands, right?
people that mentally jacked shouldn’t be allowed to create life…period. they set the planet back a notch whenever they do.