this was basically the sign outside of an ohio baptist (go figure) church recently…
who knew pop music could be so sinful? turns out the song topping the pop charts at the time made the locals there feel that now everybody would go gay – or at least find it tempting. there are, of course, a couple problems with that theory other than “it’s stupid”…
1. i’ve been force fed this song enough times in enough girls cars to know every girl that likes it doesn’t like to kiss girls, pretty a picture as the image of some of them doing so may be.
2. the line after that (and again, the fact i can rattle this off scares me) is “it felt so good, it felt so right, it doesn’t mean I’M IN LOVE TONIGHT” should let the good church folk know that while the song promotes sexual exploration, which lord knows the church has supported for years (okay, maybe not most of them…but some of them do…) it does not encourage them to adopt is as a lifestyle but more a random act to pass an evening or something…
…so church folk need to relax. at least until the “i kissed a boy and i liked it” comes out on lance bass’ new cd. THEN it’s time to rally the troops!
(okay, so i made that up – but it will be TOO funny if that happens. something tells me that since guys fantasize about two girls kissing but not a lot of girls fantasize about two boys kissing that probably won’t get a lot or radio time…)