every now and again i see something and think to myself, “that would make a cool whore bit”…
…but it’s rare to see THREE in one day. that’s what happened when i tried to run and grab groceries after work the other day.
first off, this…

urine gone? this was in clearance cart (wonder why) and two things off the label disturbed me…
1. the “as seen on tv” logo – how did i miss THAT infomercial?
2. the line “for pets or people”. seriously? if you need it for the latter remind me not to go to any parties at your house any time soon…
then there was this…

vitamin water for dogs? in this slumping economy? are you shitting me? my dogs have all led long, healthy lives drinking what comes from the faucet…and i know i’m not alone. plus, i recently discovered that you actually get MORE vitamins from rockstar energy drinks than you do from vitamin water – it’s just that with the words “vitamin” and “water” on your label, which sounds healthier?
and finally…

this was parked at a hotel just down the road from the office. why was i tempted to try and get a job with these guys? oh yeah, that’s right…