ufc + dts = :)

it’s not like i was actually paying for it anyway…

…sad, but true.

but i found a more cost effective way for me & shane to do the ufc thang. at least i think. i know for the one time i did – we’ll see how that pans out going forward. in theory, by the time you’re reading this it’s happened twice. in theory communism works…

…ask castro how that’s going for him.

ufc runs around $55 a throw on pay per view…no pun intended with that whole “throw” thing, althought it does remind me of a cool thing i got in email the other day:

but never mind that now…

so $55, and then there’s food. and booze. that latter can get pricey. sure, it means shane can smoke the whole way through, but that also adds to the expense, right?

into the equation we add the lockhart aviator theater! they have a “sports theater” that does the pay-per-view stuff like ufc (and boxing, but at this point who the hell still watches boxing?) for $3.50 a head. Add to that $8.00 for the beer we split (it’s b.y.o.b. and they say as long as you don’t bring in glass you’re cool, so look for whiskey to go in next time) and the $5.00 i dropped at little caesar’s across the street for a large pepperoni to go (by the time we got hungry the concession stand was closed) and the whole night, for the both of us, ran $20.00.

even if shane goes out and buys the dvd (he typically dvr’s them) so he gets all the cool bonus features and what-not he’ll still come out ahead here…and the hidden bonus is my clothes don’t wreak of smoke and, for a change, i’m only five minutes from home!

so i win twice!

plus, the sound is better, and the screen (shane, don’t go freudian on me here) is bigger. everyone in the area come out and join us next time! if we don’t, this thing might not last…