i’ve been getting a lot of those “you won the european lotto” emails…
…which seem to be the new version of this old bit:
with yo’ broke ass…
by sean ~ January 13th, 2004. Filed under: Uncategorized.
does this guy think we’re ACTUALLY this stupid? the mail i recieved…
Dear Citbiank Members,
This e-mail was sentt by the CitibankOnline sevrers to veerify your e-mail
address. You must cetlopme this procses by clicking on the link
below and enttering in the litle window your Citi-bank ATM
card nummber and pin that you use on local Atm Machine.
This is done for your potecrtion -y- because some of our memebrs no
lnoegr have acecss to their email adedsress and we must verify it.
To veerify your e-mail addres and akcess your Citicard account, clic on
the link bellow. If ntohing happnes when you klick on the link -a coppy
and paste the link into the adress bar of your web browser.
Thank you for using Citi-Card!
This automatic email sent to: m_sean_m@yahoo.com
Do not rpely to this email.
okay, first off, unlike this guy (and obviously me) i would like to think that citibank uses SPELL CHECK to catch words like “veerify” (bought one too many vowels there, bud) and “clic” (for the record, i just cut and pasted this out of my email so don’t feel i’m to blame for the bad typing, although for those who suspected it i understand why). and especially the word “CITIBANK”!!! (see first line!) but SERIOUSLY…just go to the link, put in your ATM and PIN? reminds me of a scam that they pulled on the elderly on \the simpsons\, where grampa replied,
“oh, it’s not a scam…what you do is, see, you send them ALL of your credit card numbers, and if one of them is lucky, you in a PRIZE!!!”
and what’s all the more amusing, i don’t even OWN a citi bank atm card. or a citi bank credit card. in fact, i’m pretty sure i still owe them money. so, if you DO have citi ties, and you got this mail, and you fell for it, i wish you all the economic misery in the world…
(unless you’re over 60 and therefore just gullible to this type of thing…so kramer, you’re excused).
it’s called mental darwinism, folks…learn it, love it, live it…