a few things i’ve learned this weekend…
1. never try to out drink an australian…
i hung with him, drink for drink, and then stopped when we downed round four (in about an hour and a half…and they were ritas from trudy’s) simply because i did have to drive home, and wanted to do so safely. i guess if someone else was driving, we might still actually be there. plus, i did have the whole budget thing to concern myself with, so there was that, too. but give us a designated driver and a tab we don’t have to pay, and it’s on. i just can’t wait to take him to outback so he can rag on the stereotypes…
2. not all benefits are created equal…
i hate when he does it, but every now and then jim hightower (who’s radio show i used to produce and engineer) creeps into my head, and i feel the need to cry fowl at corporate bullshit. i went to target on friday to grab a replacement for copper’s latest meal, my universal remote control. well, i was unsuccessful in that area, but did find a killer movie deal…heathers, on dvd, remastered with thx and widescreen, for less than $10. all was well. when i went to pay, i was waiting behind a target employee who went to buy some stuff for his kids, who were in tow. when he tried to use his employee discount, they told him he COULDN’T, unless he was paying cash. it seems you can’t use the employee discount if you pay with your check card, or any other credit card…except your TARGET credit card. then it’s okay. ’cause then they reap back your discount as the interest on the balance.
can we say BULLSHIT?!?!?
3. i guess leo is off the list…
first, there was the basketball diaries…at least as far as MY leo movie recollection goes. then he was romeo in the “modernized”, slightly bastardized version of the shakespearean classic, a role he basically reprised, but this time with enough water to make everyone have to pee by mid performance in titanic. after that, most everyone i know wrote him off. man in the iron whatever…that one where we was on some island. who the fuck cared? then came the gangs of new york epic, which is just bad-ass. yesterday i went and saw catch me if you can, where he holds his own against tom hanks AND his down-trodden father, played by christopher walken. get a third, and i may forget you were ever even ON my shit list, leo…