so, after last nights somewhat chemically (and herbally) fueled escapades (“somewhat” my ass) a nice, hard sleep was in order. a VERY hard sleep. and that’s exactly what happened. problem is, it was almost TOO hard. when i got home, i promised my pups that today would be “daddy-doggy day”. the day where i have my food delivered; and while i may do productive stuff like laundry and cleaning and what-not, i spend all day at home and hang out with them a lot.
so, i woke up at noon or so (after not passing out till around 3:30 or so) and wandered out into my desperately needing to be mowed back yard with the puppies. when they took off to handle their morning business, i wandered back in and began the eternal daddy-doggy day debate: pizza or chicken? those are your only two delivery options in L-town, so that’s what you have to decide between unless you wanna leave the house; which would be breaking the rules of daddy-doggy day. but this debate felt odd. like i was forgetting something. like lunch was SUPPOSED to be handled today, so why am i having this internal debate? then it hit me…
my BIRTHDAY was only four days ago.
see, in my family, it’s all good for you to NOT see the relatives on the actual day. we don’t care. hang with your friends, get drunk, have lil’ blonde strippers hang from your nipple rings by their teeth (DAMN that hurt). but the sunday either right before or right after your birthday is set aside for a nice, sit-down family meal. since last sunday had the dubious honor of being both father’s day (crowded restaurants) and the day after grandma’s memorial service, we decided to make mine TODAY. i even set the time (1:00 pm – i.e. one hour after this reality hit me) and the place (red lobster).
so, my whole family had remembered my birthday party, but i hadn’t. damn, i AM old. or, the anti-molly, if you think of it in the terms of john hughes “sixteen candles” (which WILL be back on the big screen in august at the paramount as a double feature with the breakfast club…gee, wonder if i’ll be there, huh?)
so, in fifteen minutes, i shaved, showered, got dressed (fairly nicely, i might add) and booked out of here only to arrive for MY luncheon that i had TOTALLY forgotten about by 12:56. YES!!!! on time as usual; my sister sauntered in slightly after one, and my uncle (and companion) at around 1:30. lunch was served (TOO much lunch for me…dinner will be a nice cohiba robusto…fat free, cholesterol free, and sugar free…no additives, no preservatives…natures perfect food) to cap off a day that was mid-filled (i.e. post-lunch, pre-simpsons) by more retail therapy at the outlet mall in san marcos; a place that sadly STILL doesn’t feel quite the same for me as it did earlier in the spring, but that’s another, MUCH longer story…