immortalized in our memories…and in ink!

this was originally posted in the wee hours of monday morning, but due to the events just a couple hours later was pulled and re-posted today, which is why monday’s bit SOUNDS like a sequel bit to this one in the title – it kinda was, but i decided to re-arrange some stuff for all involved…

happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you…

…i’d have sung this in person, but i can’t ’cause you’re dead.

okay, to some of you that may seem a bit morbid. but with how shitty certain aspects of my life are going i just HAVE to laugh about some of the stuff other people typically wouldn’t (which, let’s face it, i tend to do any way you slice it) because otherwise, quite frankly, my life is kinda depressing. add to that today’s mission – to go under the needle about twelve hours from when this is being written to update/revise/resurrect the cross around my bellybutton.

why? three reasons on “why?”:

1. it’s becoming part of a larger piece
2. it’s eight years old needs some help in looking the part with the newer ink
3. it was done when i was 270 lbs and had a 42″ waist so now at 225 and a 35″ waist some adjustments are just needed

hopefully when all is said and done i’ll be back down a 33″ waist and more like 210, but that won’t effect it NEARLY as dramatically.

as to “why now?” (which i realize none of you asked but i’ll throw it out there anyway) it’s because the original cross was done on 2/7/2k1 – the fifth anniversary of her passing. some revisions were done here and there, and all was finalized on 2/7/2k6 – the tenth anniversary of her passing. as it’s now gonna be part of a larger piece, which i am looking to finalize on 2/7/2011 (you can do the math) i figured refreshing the cross was needed, and so i’m doing that today, when mom WOULDA turned seventy had cancer not cut her down at the age of fifty-five.

so there we are.

a bit of a somber AND joyous occasion with a little gut pain (in more than one sense of the phrase this time around) associated with it. mom would be so proud!

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  • sinderella Aug 23, 2010 @ 12:13
