holy fuck, can you imagine?

remember a few years ago when i tried to start a sister site?

i had to give up after six months because there was just too much to keep up with…and that was the FIRST term. jeebus, can you imagine trying to do it now? i could quit both jobs AND this site and still not have enough time to give that melee of bullshit the time it deserves.

i can’t even really archive news shit to read any more.

for a while there, if i didn’t get to the news, i could read it the next morning before that morning’s “crop” and be all caught up. now you go to read monday news on tuesday and then read the tuesday news and half of it backtracks and steps on the monday news because that’s not a thing anymore.

i’ve heard of things changing in “real time”, but holy shit!

so much goes down, so rapidly, and with almost zero basis in reality, that i forget i’m watching our actual government and feel like i’m just watching some show on paramount plus, or whatever, about the government. for instance, when did “bullshit” become something a president could say on a hot mic? i know several older friends of the family that voted for this numb nuts and they correct my language all the time…does the get a pass? seems like he should be held to even higher scrutiny?

and what’s with the lack of fact checking? is the new rule that complete and utter lies, once said a certain amount of times, suddenly become true? if so, this is gonna be an interesting ride…

…and just a reminder:

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