i know for a fact i’ve brought this up before…
…but it apparently needs to be repeated.
you can either be a CAR or a BIKE…but you can’t be both.
if you’re a car, you can peddle your happy ass in the middle of the lane, pace car us all at nine miles an hour, and all that bullshit. but that ALSO means when we come to a stop sign or a light you have to FUCKING WAIT IN LINE like the rest of us, not glide up between the lanes with your narrow ass and you sure as fuck shouldn’t just blow through the red light and continue peddling unencumbered up the road. we all had to wait behind your slow ass for the last nine blocks…you don’t get to just jet on ahead. shit, we wouldn’t even be at this light if it wasn’t for your slow ass.
or, you can be a bike and do all those things EXCEPT pace car the lane at nine fucking miles per hour. use the bike lane, or the sidewalk, or just hug the fucking curb, but don’t think you have the right to be a car and be in the middle of the lane AND enjoy all the other “bicycle privileges”. that’s bullshit. pick a lane. literally.
– sean, writer of this shit, and bicyclist since 1976.