dear white people…
…you are not in danger. i repeat, you are not in danger. yes, there is a chance that we will become the minority in the near future. that’s just simple math. for multiple reasons, other cultures tend to have more kids than we do. that’s been that way for ages. as a result, it was just a matter of time, before we were “outnumbered”, as it were, by other folks.
is it that big a deal?
look, if there’s one thing ridiculously rich white folk have taught us, it’s that smaller percentages of folks can hold disproportionately large percentages of power. there’s a metric shit ton of precedent here. just look at the highest office in the land – it’s literally 46.5 outta 47 white guys.
(check obama’s mama if you doubt the decimal point)
the point being we’ve never been in any danger. doubt that presidential metaphor? glance at the animal kingdom – there are a lot fewer queens in the hive than all the others, but we all know who runs the show. just because you’re the lower number doesn’t mean you can’t hold power, it just means you have to know how to properly use it and all just hums along (literally, in their case).
getting back to the point, i’ll be curious to see, statistically, how many of these folks they rush to deport have white skin. most folks in this country illegally didn’t jump the border – they overstayed legitimate work or student visas for whatever reason. they were allowed in legally, and overstayed their “welcome”, as the expression goes. but let’s not mince words – even those who jumped the largest unguarded border in the world (that’s the us/canadian border, in case you’re curious) are only getting really looked at if they don’t “look canadian” if you know what i’m saying and i think you do, eh?
running people of color and people of non-binary gender out of the country doesn’t make the country “safer” for white, straight, christian folks. it just gives the “illusion” of safety. most of the people committing most of the real atrocities in this country (mass shootings, bombings, etc) all fall into the category of white male, typically acting on behalf of trump or jesus or both. you’re giving their victims an out, not yourselves. if anything, you’re helping put yourself in the crosshairs.
so stop trying to run people out of the country, by force or by legislation, because they don’t meet your definition of “comfortable” and you “don’t understand” their culture or lifestyle. you don’t have to be comfortable or understand them. you don’t live their lives. but you do have to acknowledge they exist, they are people (just like you, believe it or not), and they deserve to live without fear. if they broke the law, they DO deserve to be punished, don’t get me wrong…but that can also be said for the folks that jammed up the capital, and you seem to be able to ignore that, so maybe just stop being assholes. realize, culturally, the pendulum tends to keep on swinging, and if you pull it to far to the right, you know where it’ll go next, right? there’s laws about that not even your bronze orangutan can rewrite.