well, that’s a new one

so, i have a new problem…

…phyfe, my runt pit pup (i don’t think he’s getting beyond his fairly scrawny sixty pounds no matter what we do), who was supposed to be the budnik stand in (but he’s way more bonded to nikki because she works from home), has now discovered he can get ON MY FUCKING DESK and has now trashed it twice.

not that it needed much help…it’s in desperate need of attention.

i noticed the other day my keyboard was at a forty-five degree angle and my mouse and a couple other things were askew so i asked her what happened and she had no idea. i told her phyfe had gotten on my desk, or so it appeared, and she said i was crazy for even thinking that was a thing…

…then saturday afternoon she heard some weird noises in our office and came in to find the lil fucker standing on the end of my desk!

who’s crazy now?

i noticed stuff seemed off when i walked in sunday morning to figure out my car payment issue (that’ll be another bit, i’m sure) and lots of other stuff, for want of a better term, seemed “tossed around”. she came in and told me what she saw with him literally up on the desk. so now, in addition to figuring out the utility bill, and getting caught up on laundry, and running david for groceries, and going to the vet with phyfe, and trying to figure out time for gwen, i have to figure out when to clean off my desk as well.

i guess i just don’t sleep?

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