growing up in texas, at my age, you heard your share of “aggie jokes”…
…which basically are all summed up thusly:
people that go to texas a&m, back in the early to mid twentieth century, tended to be more agrarian, i.e. more “country”, and therefore humorously less intelligent, to the point of being humorous. an example:
did you hear about the aggie that was riding in the back of the truck and drowned when it drove off the bridge because he couldn’t get the tailgate open?
now, outside of texas, this would make no sense, as most people would have no idea what an “aggie” was. so, to that end, a good chunk of the country had “polish jokes”, as people of polish descent were thought to be of lesser intelligence, etc, etc, etc.
hence the title for today’s bit, as i have a package i’ve been waiting on that LITERALLY originated in poland, and has been in texas for the last TEN DAYS yet somehow can’t find its way here…

what’s fun is you’ll notice it goes from luling to austin before the real fuckery begins. there’s really only one way to get from luling to austin, and that’s up US Highway 183, which passes straight through the middle of…wait for it…LOCKHART, where i fucking live and the package is supposed to be delivered!
i’ll be curious to see when (if?) this package makes it here…