so, wednesday we did a thing…

we’ll see how this plays out. so far the positives definitely outweigh the negatives, but there’s all kinds of basic maintenance i’m already doing (still can’t figure out that cabin smell, have to replace a sticky door handle, etc) and then there’s some greater concerns (why does the oil measuring system keep going offline, watch for road debris as the sport tires she has are NOT run flats) but overall i’m happy with my purchase.
of course, i’m saying that when the first payment hasn’t even come due yet…
there was an increase in our insurance, of course, but that’s to be expected. due to the damage poor betty took on she’ll be a while before she’s back in top form or regular rotation so i dropped her coverage dramatically to kinda balance things out.
but the plan is, before i’m fifty-five (only eighteen months away) to have all three up and running as “fuck it, let’s roll in this one!” kind of options. can i pull it off? only time will tell. and until then (and i guess even afterwards) my side of the driveway gets to look like a dealership…