okay, so one last turkey day leftover…
…which seems the appropriate term.
(i will admit, to keep the theme i tried to have the last slice of pie for breakfast, but this one was a fail from the jump and there some weird oil in the bottom of the pan so i tossed it)
at the time, i couldn’t get enough of louis anderson’s stand up special back in the 80’s. JAB had it recorded off showtime on a vhs and i borrowed it and i’m not sure i ever gave it back. but in it he famously talked about family holidays, and thanksgiving in particular, and talked about his mom, half way through the meal, jumping up and exclaiming…
(not the band from the nineties, but rather what, in my household, looks like this…)

(just like grandma used to make!)
so, we went through the day like normal, tried the new carver ham (tastes like normal ham, if you’re curious) and then when all was said and done and we were putting away leftovers i saw it – the can of sauce, still sealed, on the microwave.
well, fuck.
so, we went about our evening. but a few days later, i went to make the one plate of leftovers i got off the whole meal and when i went to grab the sauce out of the pantry i noticed we had TWO, which was when nik reminded me that we had done that before (i blame the fact we switched from turkey to ham) so i used to one from LAST year (which expired 1/25) so i could save the can from THIS year (which expires 12/25) so hopefully, in theory, we don’t make the same mistake THRICE!