there’s an old expression…
…”a face that only a mother could love”.
so, when only mom isn’t showing the love shouldn’t that say something to you about you as an actual fucking person?
take jesse from fox news – he’s repeatedly talked about, on air, the fact his mom has now uninvited him from thanksgiving because of all his trumpian bullshit around the election. think about that – your own mother SO doesn’t wanna hear about political bullshit around the dinner table to the point where she just doesn’t want your ass in the house. no pie while the game’s on. no seeing how big your nephew is. you just get pushed out because of who you voted for and helped get elected throught your myriad of on air lies and bullshit.
i guess just ’cause mom loves your face does NOT mean she loves your bullshit?
the same could apparently be said about former fox fiend tucker carlson. his mom amended her will shortly before she passed to drop tucker’s inheritance down from seven figures to ONE…as in ONE dollar.
that’s the kind of shit that makes you wonder if mom even loves your face!
hope these motherfuckers get paid well!