it’s been a while since i talked about my weight…
…but this morning saw an almost historic low:

so, i was lower than this when i had my little “freak out” at forty about being fat again and dropped down to 207 as i recall (i thought i had bits that reflected this but couldn’t find any). but back then i also sacrificed muscle tone and could barely lift two wheels per side on a chest machine and now i’m doing more and weighing in like that.
this, however, is a false positive.
i knew yesterday was gonna be a long day at work, so i purposely ate a big breakfast that pretty much saw me through the day. by the time i left the warehouse, which i think was around 7:45 or so, i was getting hungry, but it takes an hour to get home from there and i hate eating big late so dinner last night was an “adult lunchable” (where i make my own using club crackers and good cuts and cheese) and a spiked strawberry lemonade.
so, i’ll be looking to see this go up in the next day or two. that being said, when i set up this app over ten years ago i set a goal of 215 and only recently achieved it. if i can keep it in this range i’m cool, but if i can drop it without sacrificing any muscle i’m even cooler!