i’m always stoked when i find a bit that hasn’t seen the light of day since 2002…
…and this would be one of ’em!
10/03/2002: “ouch – an education”
certain things in this world are better learned in book form then in reality form. take your central nervous system, for example. there’s a nerve, and it has a name which escapes me, that runs from your inner ear down to your stomach area. it’s the reason why getting really, REALLY dizzy can make you hurl…that nerve is somehow violated in the balance mechanism of your inner ear and it triggers a reaction in your stomach that makes you toss your cookies.
this little nerve that could runs on a path where it also crosses a part of your oral cavity so if your dentist accidentally hits some nerves in one of your back teeth, well, you kinda get the picture. such was my day this morning. certain times feeling this way ACTUALLY feels good. like when you’re sick, and you know it will offer relief. other times it feels bad, like when you’ve been drinking. now, picture just a touch of the latter with none of the former and it hits you hard enough to knock you off the nitrous cloud you’re floating on…how’s THAT for shitty? one minute, floating on ether, the next, head in a trash can…NOT fun. and it makes you touchy the whole rest of the day (or at least till early afternoon when i’m writing this).
what makes matters worse is i didn’t really get any dinner to speak of last night, and just figured i’d either get up a bit early and eat before my appointment (strike one) or just tough it out and eat around 11, the standard two hour wait AFTER my appointment (strike two) – see, first off it was a TWO hour appointment, but when you’re puking and floating (not in that order, and thankfully more of the second then the first) you have no concept of time, so i didn’t realize i had been there two hours…on top of that, the “gestation period” for the type of fillings i got, before i can eat solid food again, is EIGHT hours…which means i have to wait till 6:00, and surprise surprise, i now have to work a show tonight (which is DJ Shadow at Stubb’s, which i KINDA wanted to see anyway, so that’ll be fun…if i didn’t have sleep to catch up on…)
tomorrow’s off to sa to yank and switch (not meant as some masturbatory reference…i mean computer systems) and lord knows what else, and then there’s NO SHOWS I HAVE TO WORK ALL WEEKEND!!! a whole weekend off…what WILL i do with the time? i wish i could apply it to tonight, ’cause my rental (which better be pretty pimp, damn it) gets dropped off at 5:00, and i have to load three systems into it, plus get my car over to my sister’s (i don’t trust our parking garage with my car over a couple of nights ever since one of our accountants had HIS car broken into and his stereo stolen in broad daylight on a monday…can you believe THAT shit???) and still make it down to stubb’s by 6:30 or so to work the show, then probably hit the gym if i still have the energy, go home, and crash…do i know how to party or what?
Replies: 1 Comment
Yeah…. all too familiar with that one. See the name: it’s quite fun….
MC a.k.a. VertigoGirl said @ 10/04/2002 01:58 PM GMT