so, this has been the debate in our household of late…
…if this tracking number is fake, why does it keep showing movement? because the other day, when i did what i thought was the final tracking part of this bit, apparently we weren’t done:

and now we enter yet another debate we have – the time stamps. on this and another site it would appear they are in local time from point of origination, i.e. local time in china. they’re thirteen hours ahead of us here in texas, which would explain why that out for delivery, stated to be yesterday, actually update on the 21st? i wonder where this will head from here? does it exist in our reality? as of the time i’m typing this (9:41am CDT, 8/22/2024) this tracking number still doesn’t register as valid with UPS, USPS, FedEx, or even DHL.
so if this i legit, who’s got my shit?