i love me some vice news, but i have to disagree with a recent headline…

i guess it’s all how you define the term “slut”. mine is a more affectionate definition for a girl that’s promiscuous with me, just not necessarily everyone. during the heat of the moment saying “that’s a good lil slut” knowing she doesn’t sleep around IRL kinda thing.
of course, the way i was taught was a three pronged definition – a “slut” sleep with anyone, a “whore” sleeps with anyone with the money to pay for it, and a “bitch” sleeps with anyone except you…
apparently michigan and mississippi still have laws on the books that prohibit non-married folk from living together, penalizing said folks with jail time or fines or both. the michigan law (which the article’s about) is from 1931 and is a so called “zombie law”, meaning a law that’s technically still on the books, but never enforced. but they keep, throughout the article, referring to “heathens” (that i know they’re joking about) and “horn dogs” and “sluts” but for the last two that would imply a hook up thing, which i feel moving in with each other shows you’re both taking shit a little more seriously…or one of you is flat-ass broke.
i’m just sayin’…