with cinco de mayo coming up, i thought i’d be socially responsible and re-release a good booze bit or two…
…yeah, it’s SOOOOO not laziness!
sean, the “fucking” drunk
by sean ~ August 21st, 2006. Filed under: Uncategorized.
before going any further, i would like it on record that, for a change, i am not fucking drunk while writing this…
…hell, i’m not even “fucking” buzzed.
but the other day i had a bit of the liquid lunch and actually got a bit concerned because i was heading back to the office, would have to deal with at least a client or two, and i tend to be a “fucking” drunk.
it should also be noted that the reason the word “fucking” keeps appearing quotes is because it tends to be the most commonly used word in the english language if i’ve ingested alcohol.
(for those who thought it meant i liked to fuck while drunk, that tends to apply as well, but never mind that now)
i have yet to run into the professional situation at my current job where the blatant use of the word “fucking” is smiled upon…so you can understand my concern.
what kind of drunk are you?
and by that, i don’t mean the usual terms (happy, horny, violent, etc) i meant as far as language is concerned, do you have a favorite word that tends to creep into conversations more when the b.a.c. starts to rise? or am i alone on this?
it’s an easy enough experiment to do – just get a designated driver with a good memory, or a drinking buddy with a camcorder, or to be safe, both. then hit the bar / restaurant / strip club of your choice (the latter might need to be avoided; taking the camera in there is usually frowned upon by management) and start cranking them down. within a couple of hours the mystery will be solved.
i guaranfuckingtee it.
i’ve always been told you can never truly be happy or comfortable in your world unless you know yourself inside and out – how can you ever be happy unless you know this about yourself? it’s not like i’m encouraging alcoholism, i’m encouraging spiritual growth and knowledge.
and that’s one to grow on (wink).

there – one hour of community service down, forty-seven to go. bitch didn’t look like a cop, i’ll tell you that much.
see, it WAS literal because it was about the WORD “fucking” – see? what’d you expect to see here?