i’ve never been the conspiracy theory type…
…but this is almost too big a coincidence. seriously.
a brief history – one of the problems with me and alex was she expected to just drop her dough on useless shit ($1,500.00 LV purse, anybody?) while i covered all the bills with my money. kind of fucked up in a modern world, i must admit. the one bill she did pay? time warner – ’cause i didn’t care about the internet but she needed it to keep up with some of her web clients in miami…
(some may remember the whole reason we started talking was so she could re-design this site, which she never did but i think kramer and i have done a nice job since).
…so when she moved out and had her mail forwarded so went the TW bill, which i wasn’t used to paying so i didn’t think anything of it. six months later she said, “you should get this flipped to your name” not mentioning she was now getting collection notices. made sense, so i did, only to find out that i was starting with a balance of $900.00!!!
needless to say it was cut off due to non-payment soon after this.
but lately i keep getting these offers in the mail to get it turned back on, and while i love me some direct tv i wouldn’t mind having their internet again. as is this is being typed, and will sit on my computer till i get to the UFC’s place later where i’ll log onto her u-verse account (provided it’s working today) and upload it.
it would be nice to just post live from here, you know?
when the dogs went off on a cable guy unhooking my neighbor’s cable (not ’cause they were deadbeats – they had moved out) i asked him (once i called off the dogs) what the mailings were about and he told me they were doing a big push in my area to get some business back and were probably going to give me amnesty towards my bill…
so, i called only to find out that wasn’t the case, i had to pay almost seven bills to get them to turn it back on, and that turning in my old equipment (i still had my roadrunner modem, a regular box, and a dvr box here) would take a good chunk off it…but their office in lockhart is closed and the one in austin is REAL fucking far from convenient, even with all the driving around i do…
…but then something weird happened.
a guy came by the house saying he was from time warner and “just checking” to make sure all services were dead here – said they had to do this from time to time. odd, considering it’s been SIX FUCKING YEARS since the service was cut off and this has NEVER happened…and after he did so he mentioned the equipment and said he could just take it and would let me know how much that took off my balance, which he quoted accurately so i think he was actually FROM time warner, despite being in street clothes (but with a TW employee badge) and driving a black honda versus one of their work trucks.
fuck it, it freed up some shelf space in the office so i gave him the boxes and such.
never got that call on how it effected my balance – but when i thought about it, do you think it’s coincidence they happen to show up, after six years, within a week of me calling in so they know that i, and all their shit, was still at this address? i think not!