“i mean, really…do they give a nobel prize for ‘attempted physics’?”

bonus points for anybody that recognizes the title today…

…i don’t know what the fuck those “bonus points” are or do, but damn it you get ’em!

moving on…

…i know i said i wouldn’t just do bits about news stories. i know this. but i saw this on tv and they made it out to be local, and only afterwards did i find out it was an NYPD thing. you can see how the fox 7 teaser “cannibal cop caught” would get your attention; although, in hindsight, it seems like if a city the size of austin had a “cannibal cop” we would have heard about it long before he was caught. or a “cannibal ANYTHING” for that matter. i’m just sayin’.

but being in NYC it explains a lot – particularly why we didn’t hear about it down here until he was caught. but then i found out something about the “cannibal cop” they didn’t tell you in the teasers:

he was just a “theoretical cannibal”. and by that i mean he didn’t actually eat anybody. or kill anybody, for that matter. in fact, on the technical level, he hasn’t committed any crimes. no abductions. no killing. no eating. just talking about it.

from where i sit, that’s kind of fucked up.

shit, the guy that wrote the silence of the lambs and all the other hannibal lector books TALKED about abducting and killing and eating, but he never went to jail for it – he made millions. got lots of critical acclaim. this guy got paraded in front of news crews, plastered all over websites, talked about relentlessly on (ahem) blogs all over the interwebs.

seriously – what the fuck?

i mean i get he apparently was really planning this, and really might have even had his heart set on it – but just because i have my heart set on, and major plans for when, winning the lottery doesn’t mean i actually WON the fucking lottery, now does it? so, i mean, was this really a crime?