yesterday was flag day…
…which was when this was SUPPOSED to go up. but janky-ass sprint internet coupled with cheap-ass neighbors (who i don’t actually know, but if they had only bought a more powerful wireless router to where i could hit it from my desk…). this is my way of deflecting the blame from a bit not going up yesterday off of me…
i don’t get flag day. pride in your country, i get. your flag as a symbol of your country, i get. but a day JUST to “celebrate the flag”? that i don’t get. this isn’t meant to sound unpatriotic or nothing, i just don’t get it. i mean, we don’t have eagle day. we have “president’s day” so we can pick up cheap deals on cars and furniture and shit, but oddly the day is only meant to celebrate TWO presidents…and they’ve never added any to it. so, the eighteenth century yielded washington, and the nineteenth century gave us lincoln, but the twentieth didn’t contribute shit? what about one of the roosevelts? wilson? truman? reagan? not feelin’ it? that’s kinda shitty…
…but, i digress.
i like the NAME “flag day” – ’cause it doesn’t really specify WHICH flag. irish flag? stars n’ bars? pirate flag? can you just let your freak flag fly that day?
as with many days, flag day is the birthday of the adoption of the stars and stripes. what’s interesting is it’s thought to originate in grade schools. back several years kids were still IN school on june 14th, and as a result i guess needed some time filler. it was determined that they could celebrate the “birthday” of the flag on the day it was adopted, june 14th. wilson made it semi-official in 1916, truman made it fully legit in 1949, and here we are.
that being said, we don’t have “constitution day” or “capital day” – but i guess those are hard to hang outside your house, huh?